

Hedge fund will track Twitter to predict stock moves
Global Pensions | 23 Dec 2010 | 12:05
Laura Miller
Categories: United KingdomHedge FundsUK - A family-owned hedge fund will offer investors the chance to use Twitter posts to gauge the mood of the stockmarket.
 Derwent Capital Markets' Absolute Return fund, set to start trading in February with an initial £25m ($38m) under management, will follow posts on the social-networking website, Bloomberg reports.
 A trading model will highlight when the number of times words on Twitter such as calm rise above or below average.
Research published jointly by the University of Manchester and the Indiana University in the US said the number of emotional words on Twitter could be used to predict daily moves in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
A change in emotions expressed online would be followed between two and six days later by a move in the index, the researchers said, and this information let them predict its movements with 87.6% accuracy.
Sentiment and mood dramatically change the impact of positive and negative news stories, said Derwent Capital Markets sales trader Paul Hawtin in a telephone interview.
If the markets in a very positive and bullish mood, it can shrug off bad news, bad news comes out and you expect the Dow to fall, and it doesnt.
Derwent Capital Markets, based in Londons West End, signed an exclusive deal this month with Xiao-Jun Zeng, a doctor of computer science at the University of Manchester, to develop the research into trading models.
The fund will use algorithms based on the data extracted from Twitter posts and other factors to trade the FTSE 100, FTSE 250 and Dow Jones indexes as well as oil, gold and other precious metals and currencies.
Twitter now has 175 million users and sees 95 million posts per day, according to its website, up from 50 million per day in February.

上の引用は、1223日付けのGlobal Pensionsという英語ニュース。


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